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Peer Reviewed publications


Llorens A.*, Bellier L.*., Blenkmann OA., Ivanovic J., Larsson PG., Lin JJ., Endestad T., Solbakk AK., Knight RT. Decision and response monitoring during working memory are sequentially represented in the human insula. (In press) iScience


Bellier L., Llorens A., Marciano D., Aysegul G., Schalk G., Brunner P., Knight RT. Music can be reconstructed from human auditory cortex activity using nonlinear decoding models. Plos Biol


Fuhrer J., Glette K., Llorens A., Endestad T., Solbakk AK, Blenkmann AO. Quantifying Evoked through information-theoretical measures. Front. Neuroinform



Mercier MR., Dubarry AS., Tadel F, [… Knight RT., Llorens A…], Lachaux JP, Oostenveld R. Advances in human intracranial electro-encephalography research, guidelines and good practices. Neuroimage



Llorens A.*, Tzovara A.*, + 41 authors, Knight RT., Dronkers NF. [*First authorship shared]. Gender bias in academia: a lifetime problem that needs solutions. Neuron


Solbakk AK., Lubell J., Leske S., Funderud I., Llorens A., Blenkmann OA., Foldal MD., Meling T., Knight RT., Endestad T. Monitoring of self-paced action timing and sensory outcomes after lesions to the orbitofrontal cortex. JoCN 



Llorens A., Funderud I., Blenkmann OA., Lubell J., Foldal M., Leske S., Huster R., Meling T., Knight RT., Solbakk AK., Endestad T.  Preservation of interference effects in working memory after orbitofrontal damage. Front. Hum. Neurosci


Foldal MD., Blenkmann OA., Llorens A., Knight RT., Solbakk AK., Endestad T.  The brain tracks auditory rhythm predictability independent of selective attention. Scientific Reports 



Anders R.*, Llorens A.*, Dubarry AS., Trébuchon A., Liégeois-Chauvel C., Alario F. [*First authorship shared] Cortical dynamics of semantic priming and interference during word production: An intracerebral study. JoCN.


Blenkmann OA., Collavini S., Lubell J., Llorens A., Funderud I., Ivanovic J., Larson PG., Meling T., Bekinschtein T., Kochen S., Endestad T., Knight RT., Solbakk AK. Auditory deviance detection in the human insula: An intracranial EEG study. Cortex 



Dubarry AS., Llorens A., Trébuchon A., Carron R., Liégeois-Chauvel C., Bénar CG., Alario FX. Estimating Parallel Processing in a Language Task Using Single-Trial Intracerebral Electroencephalography. Psychol. Sci.



Llorens A., Dubarry AS., Trébuchon A., Chauvel P., Alario FX., Liégeois-Chauvel C. (2016). Contextual modulation of hippocampal activity during picture naming. Brain Lang 2016 Aug;159:92-101. doi: 10.1016/j.bandl.2016.05.011



Hamamé CM., Alario F., Llorens A., Liégeois-Chauvel C., Trébuchon A. High frequency gamma activity in the left hippocampus predicts visual object naming performance. Brain Lang


Llorens A., Trébuchon A., Riès S., Liégeois-Chauvel C., Alario F. How familiarization and repetition modulate the picture naming network. Brain Lang



Llorens A., Trébuchon A., Liégeois-Chauvel C., Alario F. Intra-cranial recordings of brain activity during language production. Front. Psychol. 


Institut de Psychiatrie et Neurosciences de Paris


Hôpital Saint Anne,

75014 Paris

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