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Anaïs Llorens, PhD

Researcher in Cognitive Neuroscience

FEMTO-ST Institute, CNRS/Université de Bourgogne


INSERM 1266, IPNP, Sainte Anne Hospital, Paris 

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My research focuses on the interface between cognitive models and brain mechanisms involved in interindividual communication, memory, language, and emotion. My research is based on behavioral and electrophysiological experiments conducted with healthy or pathologic population (scalp EEG with healthy participants and coma patients and intracranial EEG with epileptic patients).

I am also actively engaged in promoting equity and diversity in STEM.



Llorens A., Bellier L., Blenkmann OA., Ivanovic J., Larsson PG., Lin JJ., Endestad T., Solbakk AK., Knight RT.  Decision and response monitoring during working memory are sequentially represented in the human insulaiScience


Llorens A.*, Tzovara A.*, + 41 authors, Knight RT., Dronkers NF. [*First authorship shared]. Gender bias in academia: a lifetime problem that needs solutions. Neuron


Llorens A., Funderud I., Blenkmann OA., Lubell J., Foldal M., Leske S., Huster R., Meling T., Knight RT., Solbakk AK., Endestad T.

Preservation of interference effects in working memory after orbitofrontal damage. Front. Hum.




Llorens A., Dubarry AS., Trébuchon A., Chauvel P., Alario FX., Liégeois-Chauvel C.

Contextual modulation of hippocampal activity during picture naming. Brain Lang



Institut de Psychiatrie et Neurosciences de Paris


Hôpital Saint Anne,

75014 Paris

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©2021 by Anaïs Llorens

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